Moraine Conservation and Sportsman’s Club

Meeting Minutes for February 8, 2016


7:04pm – Board of Directors met prior to the general membership meeting. These are the list of issues that were discussed:

7:36 – Meeting was called to order

Introduction of Officers: Kim-Recording Secretary, Mike Cumberland-President, Brian Jesteadt-Membership,  Jon Hiser-Treasurer, Stephen Gustkey-Pistol Team, George Queen –Membership at Large and Mike Ripley-Jr. Rifle/Black Powder.

Treasurer’s Report: Jon read the treasurer’s report.

Bills & Communications: Jon filed and paid CMP dues.

Pop Machine: Steve reported an income of $3

Rental Committee Report: Peggy reported 2 rentals in January and 1 in February and received full payment for rental in September. She turned in $1300 rental money. Steve reported no range rentals but the annual frolic date was changed from March 26 to April 2nd due to Easter being earlier this year.

Pistol Team: Steve said they had a couple shoots since last meeting and is turning in $160 to club after expenses. The sectional Bulls Eye match is scheduled March 18-20th.

Trap Team: Kim turned in $135.95 from the winter league and last practices reported from Tom. The Butler Co. League is scheduled to start March 30th at Mars Rod & Gun and then first shoot at Moraine on April 6. We are always looking for more shotgun shooters.

Black Powder: nothing to report

Junior Rifle Team: Kids are doing well and still shooting 1st & 3rd Tuesdays. Mike turned in $55 to club.

Fun Indoor Shoot: Dickie turned in $160 to the club and he would like anyone who wants to have fun to come out and join them every Monday night except the meeting night on the 2nd Monday each month.

Sister in Arms: Sharon said she is still having classes on last Friday of every month and 6pm with beginner basic classes starting at 3pm. If any woman wants instructions, please feel free to join. She turned in $40.

Old Business: Jim gave an overview to all in attendance on the new card key system. There will be an initial cost of $20 for a new key with a yearly $10 maintenance fee for all eligible members wishing to purchase a new key. The current system will be removed in approximately 2 weeks when the new system is switched over. Details regarding issuing new cards will be announced soon. Steve reported that the Boy Scouts had a wonderful time at the club. They did some cleaning and gave a donation of $100 in appreciation for the use of the club.

New Business: We need to redo the bulletin board with current information. Steve said the heating fuel was down to 300 gallons and was pricing oil at McKnight’s at $1.49/gal but thinks we should wait for prices to come down more. New member inquired about an Archery team and was told he could start one if he wanted. Kim reported that the electric was finally switched over at the trap range and that Central Electric will pull old meter and yard light this week.

Membership: Brian read and welcomed all new members and collected $6120 in dues with $1280 going into the maintenance fund and $4840 to general fund. We also had 2 members renew with life memberships. We now have a total of 520 active members.

Good of the Organization: Bruce Decker talked about how he is conducting video interviews for the Library of Congress. He said it would be a great way for them to tell their story while having it preserved forever.

8:25 pm – George made a motion to adjourn meeting.